Wednesday, 23 November 2011



Condensation in homes is caused by varying factors such as type of heating , lack of ventilation  - and not helped by showers , drying clothes inside the home – all this water vapour has to somewhere and normally it is the glass

Fact 1

Fitting double glazing is never a cure for stopping condensation on the inside  – it normally help though

Fact 2

With the widespread use now of the energy efficiency glasses eg. Planitherm plus  and the filling the cavity with argon we now get condensation forming on the  OUTSIDE of the glass. In a  nutshell there is nothing that any firm can do about this as the rules about glass was set by Building Control.

This should clear when it warms up

Tecno facts
The glass combination is low iron glass, soft coat, argon gas and warm edge spacer. On occasions there will be  condensation (moisture) appearing on the outer pane of glass, on cold mornings, and clears up within a couple of hours.
It says to me that the units are working so effectively that warm air from the inside of a house, is not getting to the outer pane. In other words, the windows are performing extremely well at cutting out heat loss.
On a positive note, the householder will notice a difference to the temperature of the home.

1 comment:

  1. Fogging in double glazing windows is a common problem especially on winter and other cold weather. This article gives you information on how to solve those fogging problem.
